Package pyjamas :: Package ui :: Module HorizontalSplitPanel :: Class HorizontalSplitPanel
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Class HorizontalSplitPanel

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   object --+                    
      Applier --+                
UIObject.UIObject --+            
        Widget.Widget --+        
              Panel.Panel --+    
        SplitPanel.SplitPanel --+

A panel that arranges two widgets in a single horizontal row and allows the user to interactively change the proportion of the width dedicated to each of the two widgets. Widgets contained within a <code>HorizontalSplitPanel</code> will be automatically decorated with scrollbars when necessary.

Default layout behaviour of HorizontalSplitPanels is to 100% fill its parent vertically and horizontally [this is NOT normal!]

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, **kwargs)
Creates an empty horizontal split panel.
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add(self, w)
* Adds a widget to a pane in the HorizontalSplitPanel.
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* Gets the widget in the pane that is at the end of the line * direction for the layout.
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* Gets the widget in the left side of the panel.
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* Gets the widget in the right side of the panel.
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* Gets the widget in the pane that is at the start of the line * direction for the layout.
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setEndOfLineWidget(self, w)
* Sets the widget in the pane that is at the end of the line direction * for the layout.
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setLeftWidget(self, w)
* Sets the widget in the left side of the panel.
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setRightWidget(self, w)
* Sets the widget in the right side of the panel.
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setSplitPosition(self, pos)
* Moves the position of the splitter.
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setStartOfLineWidget(self, w)
* Sets the widget in the pane that is at the start of the line direction * for the layout.
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onLoad(self) source code
execute(self) source code
onUnload(self) source code
onSplitterResize(self, x, y)
Called on each mouse drag event as the user is dragging the splitter.
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onSplitterResizeStarted(self, x, y)
Called when the user starts dragging the splitter.
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buildDOM(self) source code
getEndOfLinePos(self) source code
getStartOfLinePos(self) source code

Inherited from SplitPanel.SplitPanel: __iter__, addAbsolutePositoning, addClipping, addScrolling, expandToFitParentUsingCssOffsets, expandToFitParentUsingPercentages, getSplitElement, getThumbImageHTML, getWidget, getWidgetElement, isResizing, onBrowserEvent, preventBoxStyles, remove, setBottom, setElemHeight, setElemWidth, setLeft, setRight, setThumbImage, setTop, setWidget, startResizingFrom, stopResizing

Inherited from Panel.Panel: adopt, clear, disown, doAttachChildren, doDetachChildren

Inherited from Widget.Widget: getID, getLayoutData, getParent, isAttached, onAttach, onDetach, removeFromParent, setContextMenu, setID, setLayoutData, setParent

Inherited from UIObject.UIObject: addStyleDependentName, addStyleName, getAbsoluteLeft, getAbsoluteTop, getElement, getHeight, getOffsetHeight, getOffsetWidth, getStyleName, getStylePrimaryName, getTitle, getWidth, isVisible, removeStyleDependentName, removeStyleName, setElement, setHeight, setPixelSize, setSize, setStyleName, setTitle, setVisible, setWidth, setzIndex, sinkEvents, unsinkEvents

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, **kwargs)

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Creates an empty horizontal split panel.

Overrides: object.__init__

add(self, w)

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* Adds a widget to a pane in the HorizontalSplitPanel. The method * will first attempt to add the widget to the left pane. If a * widget is already in that position, it will attempt to add the * widget to the right pane. If a widget is already in that position, * an exception will be thrown, as a HorizontalSplitPanel can * contain at most two widgets. * * Note that this method is bidi-sensitive. In an RTL environment, * this method will first attempt to add the widget to the right pane, * and if a widget is already in that position, it will attempt to add * the widget to the left pane. * * @param w the widget to be added * @throws IllegalStateException

Overrides: Panel.Panel.add


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* Gets the widget in the pane that is at the end of the line * direction for the layout. That is, in an RTL layout, gets * the widget in the left pane, and in an LTR layout, gets * the widget in the right pane. * * @return the widget, <code>null</code> if there is not one.


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* Gets the widget in the left side of the panel. * * @return the widget, <code>null</code> if there is not one.


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* Gets the widget in the right side of the panel. * * @return the widget, <code>null</code> if there is not one.


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* Gets the widget in the pane that is at the start of the line * direction for the layout. That is, in an RTL environment, gets * the widget in the right pane, and in an LTR environment, gets * the widget in the left pane. * * @return the widget, <code>null</code> if there is not one.

setEndOfLineWidget(self, w)

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* Sets the widget in the pane that is at the end of the line direction * for the layout. That is, in an RTL layout, sets the widget in * the left pane, and in and RTL layout, sets the widget in the * right pane. * * @param w the widget

setLeftWidget(self, w)

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* Sets the widget in the left side of the panel. * * @param w the widget

setRightWidget(self, w)

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* Sets the widget in the right side of the panel. * * @param w the widget

setSplitPosition(self, pos)

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* Moves the position of the splitter. * * This method is not bidi-sensitive. The size specified is always * the size of the left region, regardless of directionality. * * @param pos the new size of the left region in CSS units (e.g. "10px", * "1em")

Overrides: SplitPanel.SplitPanel.setSplitPosition

setStartOfLineWidget(self, w)

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* Sets the widget in the pane that is at the start of the line direction * for the layout. That is, in an RTL layout, sets the widget in * the right pane, and in and RTL layout, sets the widget in the * left pane. * * @param w the widget


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Overrides: Widget.Widget.onLoad

onSplitterResize(self, x, y)

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Called on each mouse drag event as the user is dragging the splitter. @param x the x coord of the mouse relative to the panel's extent @param y the y coord of the mosue relative to the panel's extent

Overrides: SplitPanel.SplitPanel.onSplitterResize
(inherited documentation)

onSplitterResizeStarted(self, x, y)

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Called when the user starts dragging the splitter. @param x the x coord of the mouse relative to the panel's extent @param y the y coord of the mouse relative to the panel's extent

Overrides: SplitPanel.SplitPanel.onSplitterResizeStarted
(inherited documentation)