Package pyjamas :: Package Canvas :: Module GWTCanvasImplDefault
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Source Code for Module pyjamas.Canvas.GWTCanvasImplDefault

  1  """ 
  2  * Copyright 2008 Google Inc. 
  3  * 
  4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") you may not 
  5  * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of 
  6  * the License at 
  7  * 
  8  * 
  9  * 
 10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
 11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT 
 12  * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the 
 13  * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under 
 14  * the License. 
 15  """ 
 20  from pyjamas import DOM 
 21  from pyjamas import log 
 22  from pyjamas.ui.Widget import Widget 
 24  from pyjamas.Canvas.Color import Color 
26 -def cvt(s):
27 return s
28 29 """* 30 * Deferred binding implementation of GWTCanvas. 31 """
32 -class GWTCanvasImplDefault:
34 - def __init__(self):
35 self.canvasContext = None
37 - def arc(self, x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, antiClockwise):
38 self.canvasContext.arc(x,y,radius,startAngle,endAngle,antiClockwise)
39 40
41 - def beginPath(self):
42 self.canvasContext.beginPath()
43 44
45 - def clear(self, width, height):
46 self.clearRect(0,0,width,height)
47 48
49 - def closePath(self):
50 self.canvasContext.closePath()
51 52
53 - def createElement(self):
54 e = DOM.createElement("CANVAS") 55 self.setCanvasContext(e.getContext('2d')) 56 return e
57 58
59 - def cubicCurveTo(self, cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y):
60 self.canvasContext.bezierCurveTo(cp1x,cp1y,cp2x,cp2y,x,y)
61 62
63 - def fillText(self, text, sourceX, sourceY, maxWidth=None):
64 # TODO: split this dog's dinner into browser-specific 65 # and pyjd-specific overrides... 66 67 try: 68 if maxWidth is None: 69 self.canvasContext.fillText(text, sourceX, sourceY) 70 else: 71 self.canvasContext.fillText(text, sourceX, sourceY, maxWidth) 72 except: 73 self.saveContext() 74 self.translate(sourceX, sourceY) 75 try: 76 text = unicode(text) # for pyjd / xulrunner 77 self.canvasContext.mozDrawText(text) # old xulrunner 78 except: 79 self.canvasContext.drawText(text) 80 self.restoreContext()
82 - def drawImage(self, img, sourceX, sourceY, sourceWidth=None, sourceHeight=None, destX=None, destY=None, destWidth=None, destHeight=None):
83 84 if isinstance(img, Widget): 85 img = img.getElement() 86 if sourceWidth is None: 87 self.canvasContext.drawImage(img,sourceX,sourceY) 88 else: 89 self.canvasContext.drawImage(img,sourceX,sourceY,sourceWidth,sourceHeight,destX,destY,destWidth,destHeight)
90 91 92
93 - def fill(self):
94 self.canvasContext.fill()
95 96
97 - def fillRect(self, startX, startY, width, height):
98 self.canvasContext.fillRect(startX,startY,width,height)
99 100
101 - def getGlobalAlpha(self):
102 return self.canvasContext.globalAlpha
103 104
106 return self.canvasContext.globalCompositeOperation
107 108
109 - def getHeight(self, elem):
110 return DOM.getElementPropertyInt(elem, "height")
111 112
113 - def getLineCap(self):
114 return self.canvasContext.lineCap
115 116
117 - def getLineJoin(self):
118 return self.canvasContext.lineJoin
119 120
121 - def getLineWidth(self):
122 return self.canvasContext.lineWidth
123 124
125 - def getMiterLimit(self):
126 return self.canvasContext.miterLimit
127 128
129 - def getWidth(self, elem):
130 return DOM.getElementPropertyInt(elem, "width")
131 132
133 - def lineTo(self, x, y):
134 self.canvasContext.lineTo(x,y)
135 136
137 - def moveTo(self, x, y):
138 self.canvasContext.moveTo(x,y)
139 140
141 - def quadraticCurveTo(self, cpx, cpy, x, y):
142 self.canvasContext.quadraticCurveTo(cpx,cpy,x,y)
143 144
145 - def rect(self, x, y, width, height):
146 self.canvasContext.rect(x,y,width,height)
147 148
149 - def restoreContext(self):
150 self.canvasContext.restore()
151 152
153 - def rotate(self, angle):
154 self.canvasContext.rotate(angle)
155 156
157 - def saveContext(self):
159 160
161 - def scale(self, x, y):
162 self.canvasContext.scale(x,y)
163 164
165 - def setBackgroundColor(self, element, color):
166 DOM.setStyleAttribute(element, "backgroundColor", color)
167 168
169 - def setCoordHeight(self, elem, height):
170 DOM.setElemAttribute(elem, "height", str(height))
171 172
173 - def setCoordWidth(self, elem, width):
174 DOM.setElemAttribute(elem,"width", str(width))
175 176
177 - def setStrokeStyle(self, gradient):
178 if isinstance(gradient, Color): # is it a colorString? 179 gradient = str(gradient) 180 elif not isinstance(gradient, str): # is it a colorString? 181 gradient = gradient.getObject() # it's a gradient object 182 self.canvasContext.strokeStyle = cvt(gradient)
183 184
185 - def setFillStyle(self, gradient):
186 if isinstance(gradient, Color): # is it a colorString? 187 gradient = str(gradient) 188 elif not isinstance(gradient, str): # is it a colorString? 189 gradient = gradient.getObject() # it's a gradient object 190 self.canvasContext.fillStyle = cvt(gradient)
192 - def setGlobalAlpha(self, alpha):
193 self.canvasContext.globalAlpha = alpha
194 195
196 - def setGlobalCompositeOperation(self, globalCompositeOperation):
197 self.canvasContext.globalCompositeOperation = cvt(globalCompositeOperation)
198 199
200 - def setLineCap(self, lineCap):
201 self.canvasContext.lineCap = cvt(lineCap)
202 203
204 - def setLineJoin(self, lineJoin):
205 self.canvasContext.lineJoin = cvt(lineJoin)
206 207
208 - def setLineWidth(self, width):
209 self.canvasContext.lineWidth = width
210 211
212 - def setMiterLimit(self, miterLimit):
213 self.canvasContext.miterLimit = miterLimit
214 215
216 - def setPixelHeight(self, elem, height):
217 DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, "height", "%dpx" % height)
218 219
220 - def setPixelWidth(self, elem, width):
221 DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, "width", "%dpx" % width)
222 223
224 - def stroke(self):
225 self.canvasContext.stroke()
226 227
228 - def strokeRect(self, startX, startY, width, height):
229 self.canvasContext.strokeRect(startX,startY,width,height)
231 - def transform(self, m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy):
232 self.canvasContext.transform(m11,m12,m21,m22,dx,dy)
233 234
235 - def translate(self, x, y):
236 self.canvasContext.translate(x,y)
237 238
239 - def clearRect(self, startX, startY, width, height):
240 self.canvasContext.clearRect(startX,startY,width,height)
241 242
243 - def setCanvasContext(self, ctx):
244 self.canvasContext = ctx