BEVEL = "bevel"
* * Use this constant as a parameter for the {@link
#setLineCap(String)} * method.
BUTT = "butt"
* * Use this constant as a parameter for the * {@link
#setGlobalCompositeOperation(String)} method.
DESTINATION_OVER = "destination-over"
* * Use this constant as a parameter for the {@link
#setLineJoin(String)} * method.
MITER = "miter"
* * Use this constant either as a parameter for the {@link
#setLineCap(String)} * or the {@link #setLineJoin(String)} method.
ROUND = "round"
* * Use this constant as a parameter for the * {@link
#setGlobalCompositeOperation(String)} method.
SOURCE_OVER = "source-over"
* * Use this constant as a parameter for the {@link
#setLineCap(String)} * method.
SQUARE = "square"
* * Use this constant as a parameter for the {@link
#setBackgroundColor(Color)} * method.